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From Bottleneck to Bridge: Speed Up Your Nonprofit with Smarter Online Forms

By: Partner

Today's post comes from our partners at FormAssembly.

Are your online forms a bottleneck or a bridge? Do the forms slow down your nonprofit's processes, or do the forms connect your constituents' info directly to Salesforce?

When your nonprofit's web forms aren't linked to your Salesforce database, that creates more work for the staff. Each time a constituent fills out a form, you'll need to manually re-enter the information into Salesforce. With a smart form, however, you can have the form do the work, so your nonprofit reaches a happy place of agility and efficiency.

At FormAssembly, we recently updated our Salesforce integration to make your online forms even smarter. Here's the rundown:

  1. If your form runs into duplicate records, you can now have FormAssembly update the most recent (i.e., last modified) record. This eliminates the creation of dupes, so the staff won't have to spend time de-duping and reconciling different records.
  2. You can now update multiple records using repeatable sections. Let's say you have an application form to help low-income families. You can have FormAssembly make dynamic updates to multiple Household members and Contacts in Salesforce -- without hours of complicated programming.
  3. There's also better handling of Update-or-Create scenarios. Salesforce sometimes requires different information for updating a record vs. creating a record, which can result in errors. But now the form will figure out which fields can be updated and which can't. You'll cut down on errors and save a lot of time.

We hope these changes prove useful, and help you get things done faster!

For form tips and tricks, visit the FormAssembly blog. You can also learn more about FormAssembly's nonprofit discounts.

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