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Creating a Customized Stay-in-Touch Request

By: Partner

Today's guest post comes from our partners at FormAssembly about the different ways nonprofits can use Stay-in-Touch features.

In order to launch the most effective campaigns and events for your NPO and maximize your reach, you need to keep the information in your Salesforce database up to date — especially the contact info for your constituents.

There’s a built-in Salesforce feature called Stay-in-Touch to do just that: You can email constituents, show a preview of their current contact info, and ask them to make changes if it’s outdated. However, this feature is fairly limited. For example, you can’t customize which fields to include, so if you use custom objects, you won’t be able to collect the right information.

Additionally, the Salesforce banner can’t be replaced with your NPO’s branding, which might confuse people and discourage them from filling out the form. Your constituents may expect your organization to maintain a consistent visual style across all communications, so it could be a bit bewildering for them to get an email that doesn’t look or feel like it’s from your org.

We created FormAssembly to make it easy for anyone to create powerful online forms — and you can harness our Salesforce integration to create a flexible Stay-in-Touch form.

Here’s what you can do with FormAssembly:

  1. Customize the form with your org’s logo and styling, so it’s seamless with your other communications. You can even embed the form into the org website.

  1. Automatically prefill the form with data pulled directly from your Salesforce database.

  1. Automatically submit the updated data back to Salesforce.

  1. Choose which Salesforce objects (standard and custom) to include in the form.

  1. Eliminate the need for constituents to enter info you already have, and eliminate the need for data re-entry.

And here’s a Stay-in-Touch template, ready for customization.

Not only will it help your staff, since everything will be automated, but it’ll help your constituents, too! They’ll get an email that looks and feels like your org, take a couple seconds to update their info, then click submit — and all the data will be instantly available in Salesforce, ready for your review.

To learn more about how FormAssembly could help your org, take a look at our nonprofit case studies.

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